1. What are the regions of Canada we have learned about?
I learn about St. Lawrence River and what it''s Lake Sturgeon and
Jacques Cartier also learn about VEGETATION of the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland Region a lot of things.
2. Choose one region, and tell me how your life would be like in this region. Use 5-8 sentences.
I like about VEGETATION of the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland Region beacuse
i very like learning tree and river,many tree also The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland
that it's so good..i like,!!
um.i learning a lot of things i thik use this my life is so beautifull the mind.
3. Look at your older posts, what vocabulary words have I asked you to translate? List all of them here.
Lake Sturgeon 철갑상어
vegetation .초목;한 지방 (특유) 의 식물,
broad" 폭이 넓은, 널따란
maple trees 단풍나무
beech trees 너도밤나무
hickory tree 북미산 호두나뭇과(科)의 나무
"mixed" 혼합한, 혼성의, 잡다한, 각양
oak tree 오크
spruce tree 가문비나무, 전나무
pine tree , 소나무
cedar tree 히말라야삼목
humid 습기 있는, 눅눅한
escarpment .절벽, 급경사면
forest 숲
coniferous 침엽수의, 구과 식물의
deciduous 탈락성의;낙엽성의
plateau 고원;높고 편평한
fertile 비옥한
river valley 강 계곡.
region: 지방, 지역;지대
"topography 지형도
climate" 기후
vegetation 초목;한 지방 (특유) 의 식물