
Vegetation of Appalachian Region

Question 1: Translate the word "forest" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?
1.U,C (광대한) 숲, (대) 삼림, 산림지 《큰 자연림으로서 사냥 거리인 새·짐승이 사는 곳;인가에 가까운 작은 숲은 wood(s)》 ★ 지명으로서는 지금은 개간된 지역에도 사용함
the New Forest 잉글랜드 남부의 삼림 지구
[a ~] 숲처럼 총총 선 것, 숲을 이룬 것 《of》
2.a forest of chimneys[TV antennas] 숲을 이룬 굴뚝 [TV 안테나]
[보통 F~] 【영국사】 (왕실 등의) 사냥터
Question 2: Find a picture of a forest. What does it look like? Explain in 3-5 sentences what is in the picture.There are two kinds of forests in this region. The first one is called "coniferous" and the second one is called "deciduous".
This is forest picture.There are two kinds of forests in this region.The
first one is caaled "coniferous"and the second one is called "deciduous".

Question 3: Translate the word "coniferous" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?
coniferous:【식물】 침엽수의, 구과 식물의
a coniferous tree 침엽수
It's needle-leaf tree;an acicular tree .

Question 4: What is special about a coniferous forest? Use 3-5 sentences.

The coniferous forest or taiga (the word the Russians use for coniferous forest) is located in canada.
Question 5: Find a picture of a coniferous forest.

Question 6: Translate the word "deciduous" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?

1.【생물】 탈락성의;낙엽성의 (opp. persistent)
a deciduous tooth 배냇니, 젖니 (milk tooth)

Question 7: What is special about a deciduous forest? Use 3-5 sentences.Question

Free printable Deciduous Trees bingo cards for download. You can also make your own custom games using a free trial of our software.

8: Find a picture of a deciduous forest.


The Appalachian Region

The Appalachian Region

1: What is an ocean current? Translate it into Chinese or Korean and explain in 3-5 sentences

using your own words.
Ocean current:해류
about the Gulf Stream from sea captains who sailed
between the United States and England.
He drew the first map of the Gulf Stream and published it in 1779.

Question 2: Find a picture of an ocean current. (It can be any ocean current). Post it!

The Labrador Current
Question 3: Find a picture of The Labrador Current. Post it! Explain what you see in the picture.

The Gulf Stream

Question 4: Find a picture of The Gulf Stream. Post it! Explain what you see in the pictuter.
I can see map... and sea....

Look at the picture below. Aren't there a lot of fish?

yes very a lot of fish...but they are want love..


Acrostic poem

Appalachain region has a lot of mountains.
people want with tree and mountains live in Appalachain
Picture to very good.
And l love to APpalachain.
Love in there.
Also have fertile plateaus.
Canada have a lot lf another place.
Have river or famous food shop.
If you want travel Appalachain?First.
All person make money and.
Need money make house.


Jeesie is good girl.
Et love me.
East people love me.
So they singing love me.
I want love.
E T.


The Appalachian Region - Topography

Let's learn about the topography of the Appalachian Region!

The Appalachian region has a lot of mountains but it also has fertile plateaus and river valleys. There are also many rivers in the region that provide transportation for people.


1. Translate the word "plateau" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

1.고원;높고 편평한 땅
2.(그래프의) 평탄역 (平坦域)
3.(경기(景氣) 등의) 정체 (停滯) 상태;안정기 [상태]
4.【심리】 (학습) 고원 (高原) 《학습의 정체기》
5.큰 접시;쟁반;장식 액자
6.(꼭대기가 납작한) 여자 모자

2. Find a picture of the Appalachian plateau. Post it. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.
I can see nobady in there also no have animals just mountian and the ground [color is dark gray] But if a travel it's good.I like thant..!!!!
3. Translate the word "fertile" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here

1.〈토지가〉 기름진, 비옥한 (opp. sterile)
fertile soil 비옥한 토양.
2.다산 (多産) 인;풍작을 가져오는.
fertile rains 단비
3.〈정신 등이〉 창의력이 풍부한; 〈사람이〉 (상상력·창의력이) 풍부한 《in, of》
a fertile mind 창의성이 풍부한 마음.

4. Can vegetation grown on a fertile plateau?

5. Translate the word "river valley" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

River valley:강 계곡.

I can see waterfull and a lot of tree,a cliff and like gurandfather sad
his crying but meltwater is clean.

6. Find a picture of a river valley. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.
There are many deposits of coal, oil and gas that you can find in sedimentary rocks within this region.

I can see river and tree stone and maybe looks fish..
and there are very wonderfull.

7. Find a picture to show the meaning of "sedimentary rock".

8. Translate the word "sedimentary rock"

sed·i·men·ta·ry, -tal 침전물의;침전 작용에 의한; 【지질】 침적 (沈積) 의
sedimentary rocks 퇴적암


Appalachian Region

1. Translate these words into Chinese or Korean. Post it.
a. region:
1.지방, 지역;지대
2.부분, 역 (域) , 경 (境) , 계 (界
3.범위, 영역, 분야 《of》 ; 【수학】 영역
4.행정구, 관구, 구
b. geography:
1.지리, 지형, 지세
c. province:
1.지방, 시골 ★ 영국에서는 London 이외의 전국
2.주 (州) , 성 (省) , 현 (縣) , 도 (道)
d. mountain:
1.산, 산악 (cf. HILL) ; [pl.] 산맥;산지, 연산 (連山)
2. Post a map of the Appalachian Region in Canada and not in the United States. The region goes into the United States but is only found in some provinces of Canada. (You can search in Google with the search terms "Appalachian Region in Canada".

3. In this region, there are the Appalachian Mountains. Find a picture you like and post it. Using 5-8 sentences, tell me why you like this picture.

I can see waterfull,and mountain also a lot of
tree i think in there have bilrd.

4. Go to this website

5. What are 2-3 facts you can learn about the climate of the Appalachian region? Use your own
Geomorphology and forest ecology of a mountain region in the central Appalachians
6. What are 2-3 facts you can learn about the topography of the Appalachian region? Use your own words.
It's western part of canada.
7. What are 2-3 facts you can learn about the vegetation of the Appalachian region? Use your own words.
It's differnet in map.

winnie the pooh

1. Watch this video. Write down what did you learn?

Answer these questions in 3-5 complete sentences.

I learning is the little girls said dad looks like winnie pooh.

2. Why was this bear given to the London Zoo?

April 1980, listeners to seminal British DJ John Peel were treated to the first airing of a new single by a band which had, a year before, been touted among the brightest hopes on the Scottish club scene."Who's Driving This Car," by London Zoo, was a limited-edition (1,000 copies) 45 issued for sale on the band's forthcoming Scottish tour, a jagged shard of neurotic pop which shattered out of the speakers and impacted firmly wherever there were soft bits to sink into.
3. When was this bear given?
given in 1915.

4. Who gave this bear to the zoo?

Harry Colebourn's.

5. Why is the name of the bear important?

But is winnie the pooh name is pet.

6. Where is Winnipeg? What province is it in? Post amap to show where it is

In manitoba


2. How much was the bear sold for?

just 2 $.
3. Visit this website

4. Who is Harry? Why is he important to Canada?

Harry is make pooh so in canada is very important.

Can you find pictures of these things on the internet? Blog it!

1.Can you find a picture of these stamps?

2. Can you find a picture of this bronze statue?



1a.What is topography?

Topography is the study and description of the physical features of an area, for example its hills, valleys, or rivers, or the representation of these features on maps.
1b. Translate the word "topography" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?

U 지형학;지형도 제작술; (비교적 작은 지역의 상세한) 지세도, 지형도
지지 (地誌) , (한 지방의) 지세 (地勢)
U 【해부·동물】 국소 해부학

2. Find a picture to show what topography is. Post it.

3a.What is climate? .

climate mean is about "weather" like Korea has four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

In Spring there are always warm sun and warm climate, and it is my favorite season.In Summer hot sun shines down so people go to a vacation to the beach or the swimming pool.However, a lots of rainfall so sometimes people get injured or lose their properties and families.In Fall, there are good climate with cool wind.However, a lots of rainfall so sometimes people get injured or lose their properties and families.In Fall, there are good climate with cool wind
so lots of people favorite season is Fall.

b. Translate the word "climate" into Chinese or Korean. Post it.

U,C 기후
(어떤 특정 기후를 가진) 토지, 지방
a wet climate 습한 지방
(어떤 지역·시대 등의) 풍조, 사조, 풍토;분위기, 정세; (회사 등의) 기풍

4. Find a picture to show what climate is. Post it.

5a. What is vegetation?

Plants, trees, and flowers can be referred to as vegetation. usu with supp formal
The inn has a garden of semi-tropical vegetation.

5b. Translate the word "vegetation" into Chinese or Korean. Post it.

[집합적] 초목;한 지방 (특유) 의 식물
tropical vegetation 열대 식물
식물성 기능, 식물의 성장 [발육]
【병리】 조직 증식 (증) ;C 혹, 영류 (癭瘤)
활기 없는 생활, 무위도식의 생활~·al a.

6. Find a picture to show what vegetation is. Post it


Provinces and Territories

1. What are the differences between provinces and territories? Name three.

Provinces have power and government territories.
Provinces control is own education system.
Provinces have more people than territories.

2. When did Canada become a country?

Actually 1867 was the year Canada became a "Dominion" under the British North America Act -- and consisted of a small part of current Canada. Its recognizable borders finally arrived with the annexation of Newfoundland (a colony until then) in 1949. It was not until post WWII that "Dominion" was elided.

3. Which province was the last province to join Canada?

Alberta was the last province to join canada.

4. Which province is the largest in Canada?

Quebec is the largest in canada.

5. Which province is the most powerful?

Northwest Terrtories is the most powerful.

6. Which provinces are maritime provinces?

P.E.I,new Brunswick,nova Scotia maritime provinces.

7. What is the largest industry in the maritime provinces?

Quebec largest industry in the maritime province.

8. Which provinces are the Prairie provinces?

Alberta,saskatchewan is the prairie provinces.

9. What can you find in the Prairie provinces?

You find in the prairie provinces.

10. Why is British Columbia called "the gateway to Asia"?

beacuse it's western province in canada.


o canada

O canada

Video Clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InoieKVMHbs&feature=related
Title of Video 18, 000 Canuck Fans Singing O'Canada
Canada has a rich musical heritage going back to the early days.There are hundreds, even thousands of songs that are truely Canadian in both lyrics and the sytle of musical composition.Some are National; others tell a story about a specific person, region, city, province or territory.
Video clip http://video.google.co.kr/videoplay?docid=-3063711787666792228&ei=uffCSYPzHY3QwgOa3oiPAQ&q=O+canada+song&hl=ko
Titie of video Centennial year have very famous "CA"also Centennial Song too very like also
O Canada)" which is another very patriotic and stirring song and this is meaning is"together canada forever"


kayla poster

1. What is your favorite part of the powerpoint?
Newfoundland and Labrador provincial flower

beacuse it's provincial

2. Tell me three things you have learned about this province.

1. Newfoundland and Labrador provincial bird

2. Map of Newfoundland and Labrador

3. History of Newfoundland and Labrador

3. Post a picture of this province's flag, flower and bird on your blog entry.

4. Post a picture of this province and explain why you like it.

I think it's very nice

5. How can she improve this powerpoint? Tell her three things
1.find nice picture

2.idea it's very good
3.tell all the important


Answer these questions

1. What did you learn about your province that surprised you?

Each year, millions of people go abrad to work, study, or travel. It's a great way to find out what life is like in other parts of toe world! However, it is common for many people to experience cultere shock in a foreign country. There are four stages to this. First is the "honetmoon"stage. As a new visitor, everything seems new and exciting. you enjoy tasting the food, meeting the people, and seeing famous places . You have a strong desire to look around and explore. Next cones the "horror" stage. The excitement goes away, and you see the country in a negative light. You begin to comlain about the life and values of the people. The next stage is the "humor"stage. Now you begin to look back and laugh at your mistakes in the earlier stages. And the final stage is the "home" stage. At last you begin to feel ant home and enfoy living in that country

2.If you had a chance to visit your province, would you go? Why?
I will go to canada beacuse last year i very want go to there study english,
but mom said very expensive,but If i have chance i must go to there.

3.What are the most important things someone should know about your province?
alberta in the western most "prairie province".edmonton is the capital city.

4.Put a picture of the provincial flag into your blog. Explain what the flag represents

The provincial flag was adopted on june 1.1968.it depicts the provincialshield shows st.george's cross ,blue sky snow-capped mountanis,green hills,prairie and wheat sheaves at the very bottom.

5.Put a picture of the provincial flower in to your blog. Tell us 3 facts about the flower.
The wild rose was declared alberta's provincial flowers in 1930.the
wild rose is easily found in the province,even in some of the more natural areas inside its cities

6.Put a picture of the provincial bird in your blog. Tell us 3 facts about the provincial bird

the great horned owl was adopted as alberta's provincial bird in may 3,1977,

by a provinse wide children's vote.it is one of canada's most commom birds of prey and lives in alberta year round.This owl hunts only at night and is most easily identified by its large size and feathery ear tufts. most great horned owls mate for life laying 1to5eggs each year well before the snow melts.
7. Put a picture that you like the most about your province. Write down why you like this picture.When you are finished, please post your blog entry.

tourism in alberta alberta has been a tourist destination from the early days of the twentieth century, with attractions including outdoor locales for skiing, hiking and camping, shopping locales such as west edmonton malll,Calgary Stampede, outdoor festivals, professional athletic events, international sporting competitions such as the Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games, as well as more eclectic attractions. There are also natural attractions like Elk Island National Park, Wood Buffalo National Park, and the Columbia Icefield.