
Acrostic poem

Appalachain region has a lot of mountains.
people want with tree and mountains live in Appalachain
Picture to very good.
And l love to APpalachain.
Love in there.
Also have fertile plateaus.
Canada have a lot lf another place.
Have river or famous food shop.
If you want travel Appalachain?First.
All person make money and.
Need money make house.


Jeesie is good girl.
Et love me.
East people love me.
So they singing love me.
I want love.
E T.

2 条评论:

  1. they all love you.

    especially E.T

  2. 7.5/10

    A good poem. You need to write sentences that are connected to the Appalachian region.

    Thank you for finishing your question

    +2 for your bonus

