
Regional Geography

1. Are there geographical regions in China or Korea? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

This is Geographican regions in korea.

This Geographican regions in china.

2. Post 3 pictures of China's or Korea's regional geography. It can be photographs. Explain each picture in 5-8 sentences.

This one is in korea very famous place
look likes just have samll house but the river and the tree all of the it's
snow also the samll house we'er can go to in here take picture but i can not
touthing.but you will go to it's very beautihull.

I can't find in korea beautifull picture this is i thinkn 2004years
footballs olympic and may person
sit there you are look far it's very nice to there.

3. What have you learned about regions so far? Explain in 5-8 sentences.
i learning a lot of about reigions so far
i do not the this Quetion....


Climate Continued!

Climate Continued!

1. Translate ocean into Chinese or Korean.

대양, 해양;외양

1b. Which Canadian province is closest to the Pacific Ocean?

British Columbia

1c. Which Canadian provinces is closest to the Atlantic Ocean?


2. Find a picture of the Pacific Ocean you like. Explain why you like it in 3-5 sentences.

The sun like hot egg and the river like jelly beacuse in night color is chocolate but in the night it's i want eat also sun very like a eggs beacuse do you know egg with chocolate it's so good if you wnat eat you can eat but i am not ate just thinking.

3. Find a picture of the Atlantic Ocean you like. Explain why you like it.in 3-5 sentences.

I like this one becuse another picuture is not have feeling looks picture but this picture can make we're happy also it's very nice..

4. Why would the Interior Plains region's climate be affected by the ocean. What does the ocean do for the climate? Explain in 5-8 sentences. Look at your past lesson.

we're studying is Interiot Plains region's climate be affected by the ocean,I do not ocean it's very nice also this is can helpe me konw a lot of things to studying the work.
and i konw British columbia Pacific Ocean ,New foundland Altance Ocean,i do not there are have beatifull Ocean so i very like this part.

5. What continent is the Interior Plains region on? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

Interior Plains region's on Britis columbia Pacific Ocean.

6. Where is the Interior Plains region on this continent? What provinces are in this region?

British cloumbia.

7. What did you learn today?

Today learn about wonderful Ocean also learning this is better understanding the work.

The Interior Plains - Climate

The Interior Plains - Climate

1. What is a continent? Find a picture of a continent. Post it here. Explain in 3-5 sentences what you see.

This is continent i think continent so small it's
only Australia,but i think that it's very nice
beacuse very small and happen it's a little.

2. Find a map of all the continents in the world. Post it here. Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

I can see a lot of cities have America Asisa Australia and Antarctica in the words but i thik Australia it's so small.

3. Can you list some continents in the world? Write as many as you can find.

I just can see There are North America,South America,Africa,Europe,Asia,Australia and Antarctica.

4. Translate the word "extreme" into Chinese or Korean.

극도의, 극심한

5. What did you learn today? How does this connect to the last lesson? Explain in 5-8 sentences.

Today learn about canada there have 7 continents also learn about Australia it's too samll and learn extreme words also learn this in sutdying is give we're and better understanding,


The Interior Plains - Topography

The interiot plains-topography.

1. Translate the word "prairie" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

Praire:프레리, 초원, 목초지

2.What provinces are in the Interior Plains Region?

yukon tertiories.

3. What does the landscape of the Interior Plains look like? Do a search and post 2 different pictures of this region. Explain what is in each picture in 3-5 sentences EACH. (2 pictures = 6-10 sentences)

I very like landscape beacuse so cute city and. The big house with tree,moutian
i thik air it's nice.!!!! also if i am kiling free time i can use go to bing churh free time
go to sings dance talk to jesus hahahahahaha it's very nice living in there.

4. Translate the word "elevation", "flat", "level" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

Elevation: 높이, 고도, 해발
Flat: 평탄한
level: 수평;수평면, 평면;수평선

5. How many levels of elevation is in this region?

Elevation 2 Try and avoid obstacles such as Elevators, Spinning Ball and Spikes etc and make your way up the levels in the 2nd part of this platform series.

6. What happens when you move to the east? What happens to the elevation?

I do not...

7. Find a picture of a sand dune. Post it here.

8. Translate the word "population" into Chinese or Korean.


9. What do people live close to in this region? Why do they do that? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

I do not why they are living in there i thik there it's nice..
or it's they living in they are life...
i do not they why living in here..

10. Why are water routes important to people? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

beacuse they must eat food rise so they must be have water making food
if they are do not have water i think they will died..so water is very imortant

11. What did you learn today? Explain in 5-8 sentences.

I learn about water it's very important and why people living in there.
and snad dune,and learn word i do not the new word..
so this is my life sudying this it's very important.


Let's think about what we have learned!

1. What are the regions of Canada we have learned about?
I learn about St. Lawrence River and what it''s Lake Sturgeon and

Jacques Cartier also learn about VEGETATION of the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland Region a lot of things.

2. Choose one region, and tell me how your life would be like in this region. Use 5-8 sentences.
I like about VEGETATION of the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland Region beacuse

i very like learning tree and river,many tree also The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland

that it's so good..i like,!!

um.i learning a lot of things i thik use this my life is so beautifull the mind.

3. Look at your older posts, what vocabulary words have I asked you to translate? List all of them here.

Lake Sturgeon 철갑상어

vegetation .초목;한 지방 (특유) 의 식물,

broad" 폭이 넓은, 널따란

maple trees 단풍나무

beech trees 너도밤나무

hickory tree 북미산 호두나뭇과(科)의 나무

"mixed" 혼합한, 혼성의, 잡다한, 각양

oak tree 오크

spruce tree 가문비나무, 전나무

pine tree , 소나무

cedar tree 히말라야삼목

humid 습기 있는, 눅눅한

escarpment .절벽, 급경사면

forest 숲

coniferous 침엽수의, 구과 식물의

deciduous 탈락성의;낙엽성의

plateau 고원;높고 편평한

fertile 비옥한

river valley 강 계곡.

region: 지방, 지역;지대

"topography 지형도

climate" 기후

vegetation 초목;한 지방 (특유) 의 식물


St. Lawrence River



1. Find a map of the St. Lawrence River and post it. Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

2.Where is the St. Lawrence River in Canada? What provinces are around this river?

St.lawerence river in canada and Qubec.

3. Inside this river, there are fish called Lake Sturgeon. Translate "Lake Sturgeon" into Chinese or Korean.


4. Find a picture of Lake Sturgeon and post it. Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

I can see that it's male beacuse he have a beard
the body very long and look at delicious..
this thiks it's very good..^^*

5. This river is very important to Canadian history because an explorer named "Jacques Cartier" wanted to use it to get to China! Find a picture of Jacques Cartier and post it here.

6. On St. Lawrence's Day in 1535, Jacques Cartier gave the saint's name to one small bay near the river's mouth, but by 1600, it was used to describe the entire river. Find a picture of Saint Laurence, the saint the river was named after. Post it and explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences!

In 1596 Laurence was named Definitor General, and was about to make a visitation of the Capuchin houses throughout Sicily, when Pope Clement VIII., at the request of the Emperor Rudolph II., ordered him to Germany, there to found houses of his Order, in hope of stemming the tide of heresy then deluging that kingdom. In this, as in his other good works, Laurence was eminently successful, and within a year had founded houses in Vienna, Prague, and in Gratz.

7. Translate "saint" into Chinese or Korean.


8. There are also lots of snow geese who come to the St. Lawrence River. Google a picture of this and post it here. Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

Oh my got so dirty...it's disappointmen..
befor i like but,,i find that picture it's
"oh my got".

What did you learin today?

I learn new St.lawernce River there have big fhish living in river
also learn about jacques cartier him is cabadian very famous.
I like that...!!

1. Why would the river be named after a saint who doesn't live in North America?
beacuse who find it's who country the river.

2. Do people like to live along the river? Why? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
I dont know i am not living in there also i can not understanding they why want living
here,so i am not confident.

What Is there a river in China that is similar in importance to Chinese history? What is it? Post a picture of this river and tell me the name.
yes 2 river
I can not confident that river.


VEGETATION of the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland Region

VEGETATION of the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland Region

1. What is the word for vegetation in Chinese or Korean. Translate and put it here.

1.초목;한 지방 (특유) 의 식물, 식물성 기능, 식물의 성장 [발육] , 2. 조직 증식 (증) ; C 혹, 영류

2. There are a lot of broad-leaved forests in this region. What do these forests look like? Find a picture, post it and explain it in 3-5 sentence. What do you see?

I can see a lot of tree and look like it's moutian but look like not mountian
it's garden and have another color with paste
garden and have another color with paste a lot of house in there.
3. What does a broad-leaf look like? Post a picture and explain what you think "broad" means.

1.폭이 넓은, 널따란.

2.충분히, 완전히, 넓은 부분, 손바닥.

3. 순사투리로 말하다
4. There are maple trees in this region. Find a picture of a maple tree. Post it.

5. What is the Chinese or Korean word for maple trees?

6. There are beech trees as well. Find a picture of a beech tree. Post it.

7. What is the Chinese or Korean word for beech trees?

너도밤나무, U 너도밤나무 목재 béech · en [-ən] a

8. There are also Hickory trees in this region. Find a picture of a hickory tree. Post it.
9. What is the Chinese or Korean word for hickory tree?

1.히코리 《북미산 호두나뭇과(科)의 나무》.

2. 열매

10. In other places of the region, the vegetation is a mixed forest. It has a mix of both decidous and coniferous trees, such as maple, beech, oak, ash, and birch, along with spruce, fir, pine and cedar. Find a picture of a mixed forest. Post it! Explain what "mixed" means!
혼합한, 혼성의, 잡다한, 각양 각색의. 11. Find a picture of an oak tree.Find a picture. Post it.

12. What is the oka tree Chinese or Korean word for it?

13. What is a spruce tree. Find a picture. Post it.

14. What is the Chinese or Korean word for it?

가문비나무, 전나무

15. Find a picture of a pine tree. Post it.

16. What is the Chinese or Korean word for it?

솔, 소나무

17. What is a cedar tree? Find a picture. Post it.

18. What is the Chinese or Korean word for it?
19. What did you learn from this lesson? Explain in 8-12 sentences.
I learn aboout very very famous a lot of tree and
if i go to see many tree i can introduse they are
and this tree name have means[i think it's very nice]
oh..i very loved maple tree becuse in canada it's maple tree have red and green
yellow a lot of colors..
so!!! i am in here i can know a lot of thing to studying of canada


The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland (2)


1. Translate the word humid into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

1.습기 있는, 눅눅한

2. What does humid mean? Explain in your own words using 3-5 sentences.

Humid to describe an atmosphere or climate that is very damp, and usually very hot.

3. How can the Great Lakes cool the temperature during the summer? What do you think happens?
I ike summer time no why;; think...

4. Find a photograph of Lake Michigan. Explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences.
This picture is michigan looks the river it's red color and very shain sunny.
and very very long top I think in michigan have big river it's nice.

5. Find a photograph of Lake Superior. Explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences.
This is lake superior it's good picture beacuse the sea and a little have mountain
and a lot of pretty stone on the sea also i can see just a little mountain
it's very cute.[but i do not i very day find picture is red or pink]

6. Find a photograph of Lake Erie. Explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences. This picture it's lake erie i can see a lot of fish living in there also
the person eat them em~I thik it's very delicious also the man person said lake erie
having fish very big and cheap..I thik not cheap but it's ok..

7. Find a photograph of Lake Huron. Explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences.This is lake huron have third largest of the lakes by volume, with 850 cubic miles of water.
'''Lake Huron''' is one of the five Great Lakes of eastern North America, and Michigan from Ontario. Georgian Bay, the eastetmost part of Lake Huron, is Canada.

8. Find a photograph of Lake Ontario. Explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences.Did you know the Great Lakes can be remembered by the word "home"? H is for? O is for? M is for? E is for? S is for?


9. Why is this region a good place for agriculture? Tell me three reasons and explain in 5-8 sentences.
1.they are is fammer they working on agriculture.
2.Ontario Michigan erie superior there very beautifull place if you do not want go to you will
crying all day.
3.just take mony gogogogogo..

10. What did you learn today? Explain in 5-8 sentences.
I learn about so mamy picture to studying also i can know a lot place
go to aloso i can translate talk for my family..

1. Why do you think people would want to live in this region? Explain in 5-8 sentences.
beacuse reson is just one it's beautiful if i asking you why you
like living in the region? you must said YES so you not ask
this qustion..
2009,04/16 9:55 AM


The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland


The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland is the smallest geographical region in Canada. It includes the triangle formed by Lakes Huron, Ontario, and Erie.

1. Find a picture of this region. Post it and explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

I can see yellow white red orange green very beautiful on the map.


The region contains several escarpments.

2. Translate the word escarpment into Chinese or Korean.

1.【축성】 (내안(內岸)의) 급경사지
2.절벽, 급경사면
3.【지리】 단층애 (斷層崖) ;해저애 (海底崖)

3. What is escarpment? Use 3 sentences to explain what it is.

Along steep slope or cliff at the edge of a plateau or ridge; usually formed by erosion
a steep artificial slope in front of a fortification.

4. Find a picture of the Niagara Escarpment in this region.

5. The topography of the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland has a rolling landscape made by glaciation. Find a picture of a rolling landscape (it does not have to be in this region) and explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

I can see green garden anf white heart,
and a lot of green mountain in the rolling landscape.

6. What is glaciation? Translate into Chinese or Korean.

1.U 빙하 작용;빙결

7. Explain in English 3-5 sentences. What is glaciation?

Glaciated - covered with ice (as by a glacier) or affected by glacial action .
and-become frozen and covered with glaciers.

9. Find a picture of glaciation. Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

I can see all is ice and i can not see person live there,
but i thik a wild animal live is here.hahahahahaha

10. There are also flat plains in this region. What do flat plains look like? Find a picture and explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

I can see a lot of folwer and wind,river
but i can not see a lot of things i just can see
beautiful the picture.

11. There are also deep river valleys. What do they look like? Find a picture and explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

I like that small boat and color is green river
beacuse i very like see the small boat.

12. Find a picture of the Great Lakes. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

I can see very shain sunny..and look like egg...
that sea is water and the black it's cake ...

13. What did you learn about the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland region?

I learn about great lakes there very good city beacuse
that pictures and a lot of beautiful folwer
also see a lot of green tree and,i thik look like it's
a little resemble food.

14. What is the name of each Greatlakes.

1.How do you think glaciation changed the way land looks today? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

So long get the video up. ... project 86 knex roller coaster glaciation something we can't be backyard snow polar glacier car train beatbox beat.


The Arctic Coastal Plains

It is different from the Appalachian Region. The Yukon Territories, Northwest Territories and Nunavut have a little bit of this region!
Go this website
Questions:1. From the website, what animals are found in this region? List three animal.
polor bears.

2. Find a picture for one animal in this region. Choose one from Question 1.
3. What kind of vegetation is found in this region? List three plants.
4. Find a picture for one plant in this region. Choose one from Question.3

5. Is this region different from the Appalachian region? Tell me one thing that is different.

Appalachian is region.

6. Find a picture of the Yukon Territories.

7. Find a picture of Nunavut.

8. Find a picture of the Northwest Territories.

9. How would you feel if you had to live in this region? (3-5 sentences)
If i live in region i will feel so good beacuse
i can go to yukon territories and northwest territoreis.

10. If you had to go to the Arctic Coastal Plains, what would you bring with you? (3-5 sentences)

first i take many food and take a lot of money pay buy a lot of things.

also i bring pet beacuse i want pet marry of hamsome guy

So,I!!!! must take 3 things.

Bonus1. Why is learning about different regions in Canada important?

beacuse about canada it's if i do not about canada i just go to travel and i can not
see beautifull the plant .



Questions1.Write 5-8 sentences on what you have learned in this class.
I learning it's "Province and Territories"also"Appalachian Region""Ocean currents"and forests
about they are a lot of things to studying in class Ex:although in 1996 part of northwest territories became it's own territory and is called nunavut.[about canada become a country]
aloso i do not in canada forest it's very wonderfull.so this is class so good beacuse tell me a lot of canada storys.[bunes]And i very like pooh and we're find picture studying it's very good.!!!!!!!
2. Give yourself a mark out of 10. How much have you worked in class? Do you try your best?
I very hard work this and i not confidint my mark it's hight just 5/10 i think it's bad mark...